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"So many therapists are striking at the pattern of disease, instead of supporting the pattern of health. One of the things that you as Rolfers must always emphasize is that you are not practitioners curing disease; you are practitioners invoking health. Invocation is possible by an understanding of what the pattern is, the structural pattern of health."
/Dr. Ida P. Rolf
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Eighteen years of experience of touching people fuels my passion and curiosity to understand this human form. I am mesmerized by its breath, expansion and contraction, the blueprint pattern underneath.  I am amazed by the potential of our function. There are many perceptual lenses to view this human form. I feel most excited and challenged to understand this through the Rolfing paradigm coupled with our inherent movement patterns.  I believe these theories of thought speak truer to interpret, translate, and heal the self. 


I want to help you live with ease.

I want to help you live better in your body.

The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration®, Boulder, Colorado

Certified Advanced Rolfer™, 168 hours


Brazilian Rolf Institute®, operating in Bali, Indonesia

Certified Rolfer and Rolf Movement Practitioner, 402 hours



The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration®, Boulder, Colorado

Accelerated Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration, 87 hours

Embodiment of Rolfing Structural Integration and Rolf Movement® Integration, 244 hours

2010 – 2011 


Gil Hedley, Six-Day Intensive Hands-On Human Dissection Workshop

2009 and 2011


Tao Mountain Association

Traditional Thai Theroy, Massage and Herbal Therapies

2003 – 2006


American Institute of Massage, Richmond, Virginia

Massage Therapy Certification

2000 – 2001


Bodhi Tree BodyWorks

8800 Bannon Road

Richmond, Virginia 23235


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